May 22, 2014


Semeru is Java’s highest peak and has been active for decades – a cloud of black volcanic ash and sand is frequently released from near the summit – sometimes once an hour, sometimes as often as every ten minutes. There have been numerous fatalities, but it is a popular and safe hike if you treat the mountain with respect and as Java’s highest peak, it is one of the finest hikes in Indonesia.
The trail starts at the village of Ranu Pani (2,109m) where there is basic accommodation available and you will need a minimum of two full days for the hike to the summit and back. There are many trekking agencies in East Java who offer jeep transport across the length and breadth of the National Park including the vast Bromo caldera and to Ranu Pani village itself from the city of Malang via Tumpang. Thankfully it is not yet possible to drive to the summit of Semeru! However, the road from Malang to Ranu Pani offers breathtaking views and reaches an elevation of over 2,400m at its highest point.
From Ranu Pani follow the road towards the lake which gives the village its name and make sure you take a right just before red entrance posts. A left turn up onto a narrow track through forest is just a couple of minutes further along and once you’re on this trail it is quite difficult to lose your way because there are frequent cement markers and green shelters at 2,284m, 2,346m and 2,426m respectively. The path is even paved at this point. Look out for monkeys in the area.
It’s a long 14km to Kalimati basecamp (2,669m) but the route goes via the beautiful Ranu Kumbolo lake (2,382m) which is a good camp spot in its own right. It can be reached in 4 hours from Ranu Pani but is famous for its low temperatures at night – frost is common so remember to take plenty of warm clothing and don’t leave your boots outside. There are a couple of huts on the far side of the lake before which the path ascends a hundred metres or so before descending again into an area which is sometimes covered in beautiful purple flowers. Kalimati – which lies beneath but in view of the rocky cone of Semeru summit itself – is another 3 hours of fantastic, easy hiking across savanna-esque landscapes and is perhaps marginally warmer. There is a somewhat shabby hut here and the flat area surrounding it is a very popular camping area and water is to be found about 15 minutes walk down to the right.
Another 2 km (one hour) is Arcopodo basecamp (2,912m), which is the best place to camp if you intend on reaching the summit at dawn and have the best chance of clear views and more importantly to avoid the worst of the gases. The path descends a little from Kalimati before ascending steeply up the forested base of the cone of Semeru itself. A lot of people choose to spend one night at Ranu Kumbolo and a second up at Arcopodo before making a pre-dawn ascent to the summit. There used to be a pair of statues at Arcopodo but it is presumed they were covered during landslides. There is plenty of flattish space for tents here – at least 10 – despite the generally steep pine forest terrain. It is about 3 hours from Arcopodo camp to the summit and the track is very steep. In some places lower down there are cement posts to guide you but many of them have long since toppled over and are buried in volcanic scree! The treeline ends at 3,110 and there are excellent views particularly to Arjuna. You may also spot some pre-dawn camera flashes from the famous viewpoint Gunung Pananjakan on the northern side of the Bromo caldera. The summit cone is very slippery with small volcanic rocks – definitely a case of two steps forward and one step back.
As you near the top you may literally feel the earth move as Semeru sends another cloud of volcanic sand into the air. There are lots of monuments to people have lost their lives up here but generally speaking the climb is safe – but do not head closer to the crater itself from the summit. The view from the rooftop of Java is as incredible as you might expect – a vast panorama of all of East Java’s major peaks, something to savour before the hike back to Ranu Pani, which can be done in one long day. The first section down the scree is a lot of fun – what takes 3 hours to climb takes just 1 hour to scree-slide down!
On the way back to Ranu Pani, the more adventurous may like to try an alternative route from Ranu Kumbolo back to the village via Gunung Ajekajek. It is a lot steeper – a 300m climb again – but marginally shorter in terms of both distance and time. If you have any energy left it makes an interesting alternative to the fairly bland plod along the normal route. Take a left turn at the lake and follow the path as it leads through lovely grassy flat landscapes before heading right up the hillside once more. After an hour you will be at the top of the pass (2,719m) which offers rarely-seen views of Semeru. Down below you in the opposite direction (north) is Ranu Pani and the Bromo caldera beyond. This now infrequently used trail used to be the main route to Semeru several decades ago.
And don't forget for visit to Sindoro Sumbing Mount.

May 15, 2014


The natural beauty of the mountains was never out to speak about. If you're traveling in Indonesia, do not miss to enjoy the beauty of Mount Gede Pangrango with a variety of very beautiful natural scenery. Feel the cool air in Suryakencana, or feel the freshness of mountain water of cibereum waterfalls . This mountains are situated in West Java, Indonesia. It evolved from already existing conservation areas, such as Cibodas Nature Reserve, Cimungkat Nature Reseve, Situgunung Recreational Park and Mount Gede Pangrango Nature Reserve, and has been the site of important biological and conservation research over the last century. In 1977 UNESCO declared it part of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves.
Mount Gede is a favourite place for hiking and camping. Almost every weekend, adventurers often come to this place in order to conquest the summit of mount Gede, at a height of 2,958 above sea level. From the summit, we can see the summit of Mount Pangrango which looks like a triangle. Both are with the Mount Gede Pangrango National Park system. Visitors usually enter the park by one of the four gates of the park: the Cibodas, Gunung Putri, and Selabintana gates, all give access to the peaks; the Situ Gunung gate gives entrance to a lake area set aside mainly for family-style recreation. Cibodas gate is the most popular entrance gate and is the site of the park's headquarters.

To enter the park , we have to walk trough the Botanical Garden gate and come to the Guard House where we have to register our identity for personal security . Behind the guard house is the way to climb the mountains . On the way up , we come across a beautiful tropical forest . And we also can visit the waterfalls of Cibereum . It has a beautiful place and view . Walking about 4 hours , we will reach 'pos KANDANG BADAK' hut . On the way we will find two or three huts , spring and hot spring . In this place , we may enjoy taking a dip in that hot spring. We can stay overnight in pos KANDANG BADAK where cold water is also available . It is bifurcated path uphill from pos kandang badak ; the right one going towards Mt. Pangrango , and the left one going towards Mt.gede.

To reach the peak of Mt. Pangrango , we have to climb for 2 or 3 hours walking through natural forest at 1000 m high. The peak of Mt. Pangrango is located in a thick and moldy forest , from where no view is visible . It is very different if we climb to the peak of Mt. Gede . Climbing another 2 hours , we will reach the peak of Mt. Gede , we can enjoy a broad view of a scenic panorama and an exotic scene of the big wall Kaldera . Mt. Gede has three living crater. Climbing down the peak westward , we will find the field of javanese 'edelweis' flower , called as 'Lembah Surya Kencana '. In the south of the field there is a hut where we can take a rest . At the highest peak of Mt. Gede we can enjoy the panoramic view towards jakarta , cianjur and other places . If we climb down to the north , we can reach cipanas, or to the south is sukabumi. It takes about 3-4 hours to reach of any of these places.

From Jakarta, the area is two hours drive, usually via Cibodas Botanical Gardens, the most common routes leading to these mountains . From Bogor or Cianjur , we can travel by bus going towards Cipanas and get off at the entrance of Cibodas , approximately 2 km away from the west of Cipanas . From that bus stop , we can go towards the gate of Cibodas Botanical Garden by mini bus . We can obtain a permission of climbing from Mt. Gede Pangrango national park authority office beside the Cibodas Botanical Garden . Which is on the right side of the gate. Guides are also available here . For notify is we must bookmark first to make this permission minimal one week before we go to climb . We can obtain guide map of these national park from Wisma Cinta Alam . Enjoy the great adventure of Mount Gede national park
And don't forget visit to Semeru Mount.

May 13, 2014


Community slopes of Mount Merbabu have a story . Narrative that is popular among residents and climbers are about the occult market called Market Satan . This market is used as a platform transactions between the unseen spirits . Really?

The story of Satan in Merbabu market has become a common story that is also known among climbers and nature pecintan . The place is even used as a climbing post . Climbers will set up a tent and rested here .  This location is so well known . The road is quite steep and complex terrain is not so prohibitive number of climbers to visit this location . Usually before reaching this spot climbers will stop to Kenthen Songo .  Market Satan is spoken in a number of nature lovers blog . Mystical tale seldom told. Climbers are more interested with captivating natural conditions .

May 12, 2014


Sindoro and cleft are two adjacent mountain , as well as having the shape and height are almost the same . High Sumbing about 3,340 m above sea level ( asl ) , slightly higher than the Sindoro ( 3,155 m asl ) .  If mapped , cleft located to the southwest of the city of Waterford and East of the town of Wonosobo . While the northwest side Sindoro Waterford sea danTimur Wonosobo . Communities in both regions was calling Sindoro as mountain - cleft twins . Both store the huge tourism potential , although not all of them can be managed optimally .In addition to the beautiful natural scenery , with cool and fresh air , areas of potential slope of cleft - Sindoro developed as agro-tourism , especially longan plantations , tobacco , vanilla , and coffee . Natural conditions is almost the same as the area of ​​Mount Mas , peak , Bogor .
 Mountains are filled with legends of epic heroism and loyalty couple was already familiar to the climbers . Many groups of nature lovers and Sindoro Cleft peak climbing , especially on certain days which has become a tradition .