May 12, 2014


Sindoro and cleft are two adjacent mountain , as well as having the shape and height are almost the same . High Sumbing about 3,340 m above sea level ( asl ) , slightly higher than the Sindoro ( 3,155 m asl ) .  If mapped , cleft located to the southwest of the city of Waterford and East of the town of Wonosobo . While the northwest side Sindoro Waterford sea danTimur Wonosobo . Communities in both regions was calling Sindoro as mountain - cleft twins . Both store the huge tourism potential , although not all of them can be managed optimally .In addition to the beautiful natural scenery , with cool and fresh air , areas of potential slope of cleft - Sindoro developed as agro-tourism , especially longan plantations , tobacco , vanilla , and coffee . Natural conditions is almost the same as the area of ​​Mount Mas , peak , Bogor .
 Mountains are filled with legends of epic heroism and loyalty couple was already familiar to the climbers . Many groups of nature lovers and Sindoro Cleft peak climbing , especially on certain days which has become a tradition .

For all its benefits , transportation agencies and local tourism Waterford try to continue exploring the potential tourist , while tidying up the supporting infrastructure of this region .The tourism sector , especially those based Mountain tour , could be one of the leading prima donna in building democratic economy in this area . Transportation agencies and Tourism intends to develop the area as a cleft Sindoro and integrated tourism area . Especially in the valley between Sindoro - cleft , and the top part . For example by providing facilities cable car that connects the two mountains .

One area that flanked the valley is Kledung Sindoro - cleft , through which users Parakan - lane road in Wonosobo . Many road users who rest in this place , just to see the beauty of the surrounding natural panorama that can refresh your body and mind . Many things that we can see the mountain valley . Besides the natural beauty , Sindoro - cleft valleys also offers a warm and friendly smile population . What's more when they see activity tambakau season arrives .Beautiful scenery and cool - fresh air is now a rare commodity in urban , that's why , they often take advantage of the holiday to as many natural attractions available the county of Waterford .It lies close to the Dieng Plateau makes climbing tour and Sindoro Sumbing be promoted more terrible again , for example by inviting the majority of tourists who come to visit Dieng keTemanggung home . Waterford county government and society are ready to take advantage of this golden opportunity , for the welfare of society .TOUR CLIMBING
One of the activities that have been running this mountain region is a mountainous tourist . Ascent Sindoro - cleft usually starts from Kledung , which lies between the two Mt . In this place , the climbers can also watch the sunrise and sunset .  Challenging climbing lane , a ritual every night 1 Sura ( 1 sacred ) and Malem blackjack ( 21 Ramadan ) , the expanse of tea plantations , various vegetable fields , rows of pine trees , and winding paths both mountain valley that makes many people want to visit the siteSumbingThe trip will travel through the village Sumbing Tegalrejo tourist fishing is also close to Vale Kambang and inscriptions Gondosuli . Around the mountain extremely fertile soil , so that almost the entire area that ramps up to a height of 2,000 m above sea plantations made ​​people like tobacco and vegetables .Cleft mountain climbing can be done anytime . But the crowds peak occurs at malem blackjack . Thousands of climbers , who guided the experienced nature lovers of cleft Hiking Club ( SHC ) Waterford , as well as officers monitored the integrated diposko - post nearby , began the ritual of pagers mountain villages , districts Fur .To climb out malem blackjack tradition , the trip can be done without having to be guided officers . The climbers generally start from the village / district Kledung ( the northwest ) , or village and selogowok dikecamatan need Tlogo mulyo ( northeast ) .In fact , the mountain can also be climbed from the cleft region outside the county of Waterford . Namely the northwest of the village Garung ( 1,543 m asl ) in the village of Need , sub Kalijajar ( Wonosobo ) , south-east of Kalegan ( Magelang District ) , and the direction of the Southwestern sapurun ( Wonosobo ) .If the weather is nice , climb to the top took about five hours . Most of them make a beeline kemakam Ki Ageng Makukuhan in Cleft Peak . Ki Ageng Makukuhan believed to be the first to stop in and introduce Kedu tobacco plants .There are some posts that should be passed from base camp to summit , namely the post I ( 1,750 m asl ) , heading II ( 2,000 m asl ) , postal shadow ( 2,500 m asl ) , and the top part ( 2850-3340 m asl ) . 
I mailed ( meeting forest ) and land bivouac shelter there . While heading II ( Open Area ) dominated grassland and reeds. Enough hot air at the top , high winds , and sunny weather , with temperatures below 12 degrees Celciuse . Peak consists of rocks , sandy ground , craters , and sulfur .

SindoroEvery night 1 Sura , thousands of nature lovers to climb Sindoro . Mountain elevations of 3,151 m it also has some natural beauty , for example Ponds Edelwis Eternal Magic and flowers on the mountain top . Hikers also can see panoramic sunrise and sunset .As chippy , Sindoro suited to do outdoor activities and adventure . Climbing is done through Katekan Village , District Ngadirejo , Waterford . In addition to beautiful scenery , hikers can see the activity of farmers in the garden .
PEAK WONOTIRTOOn the slopes of Mount cleft , in a village in the district fur , there is a fairly popular tourist areas , namely Peak Wonotirto . Along the way to the location , tourists can see the forest from a distance and expanse of pine tobacco plants . The fans certainly very fond of mountain tourism this atmosphere .  From the peak areas , we can look off into different directions. Including the end Sumbing and Mount Sindoro . This is possible because Wonotirto Peak at an altitude of 1900-2000 m above sea level .To get to the location of the slopes , visitors can use motorcycle or car . But about 3 km before the summit , to be followed by a trip on foot . Waterford County Government already planted 16,000 ha of this critical region , with various agricultural commodities .MYSTERY TREE IN THE FOREST Rasamala WALITISWalitis tree in the Huitan Rasamala is the biggest tree in Cleft and Sindoro slopes . This forest is located in the village of Jetis , District Selopampang , tree height reaches 30 feet , with a trunk circumference of 7.5 meters . To hugging trunks required six adults who each link holding out both hands .  According to local people , this tree comes from one of the followers of wali sticks , which were plugged Ki Ageng Makukuhan on the ground . Walitis area has beautiful natural scenery and fresh mountain air and natural .This area also grows in clumps of plants named Rasamala . Therefore, the area known as Rasamala forest . The specialty crops and forests are not immune to fire .When forest fires in some areas and slopes Cleft Sindoro some time ago , Rasamala forest fire completely untouched .  To reach the grove Rasamala which covers 1.5 hectares , the tourists have to climb through the path . The ascent distance of about 1.5 km from the tree walitis .DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTSSeeing great potential , Sindoro - cleft region could be developed into a tourist mainstay in jateng . Opportunities that can be worked , among others :- Building a cable car facility din northern slopes of the mountain cleft , right in Kledung Pass .- Building a hotel / restaurant in the strategic track , especially Kledung .- Development of agro Kledung Pass area .- Build campsites and camping ground in the region Walitis , to facilitate the activities of the youths in Central Java .- Establishing a special area ( adventure zone ) in Kledung Pass .- Establishing a special event organizers who organize various activities nature lovers and outbound .- Creating more tourist villages .


SumbingName : Mountain CleftCrater Name : Crater CleftLocation : Paging Mountain Village , District Tjepit , Waterford CountyElevation : 3 . 340 m aslRegion : County Waterford, Magelang , Wonosobo and Purworejo .Nearby City : Waterford ( East Sea ) , Parakan ( North ) , Wonosobo ( West ) , and Magelang ( Southeast ) .Mount Type : strato volcano type BObservation Post : Genting Village Sari , Parakan - Waterford at Altitude 950 m above sea level .

SindoroName : Mount SindoroCrater Name : Crater SindoroLocation : Village Katekan , District Ngadirejo , Waterford CountyElevation : 3,155 m aslRegion : County Waterford, and Wonosobo regency .Nearby City : Waterford ( Southeast ) , Parakan ( East ) , Wonosobo ( West ) .Mount Type : strato volcano type B

And don't forget for visit to Merbabu Mount.


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