May 13, 2014


Community slopes of Mount Merbabu have a story . Narrative that is popular among residents and climbers are about the occult market called Market Satan . This market is used as a platform transactions between the unseen spirits . Really?

The story of Satan in Merbabu market has become a common story that is also known among climbers and nature pecintan . The place is even used as a climbing post . Climbers will set up a tent and rested here .  This location is so well known . The road is quite steep and complex terrain is not so prohibitive number of climbers to visit this location . Usually before reaching this spot climbers will stop to Kenthen Songo .  Market Satan is spoken in a number of nature lovers blog . Mystical tale seldom told. Climbers are more interested with captivating natural conditions .

There is no official record of the vicious market . Most difficult story confirmed . He said every night crowded market will change . Unfortunately only a few people with special abilities who can feel it .  In no name site other than Satan market is believed to be the spirits market . His name Bubrah market .  " The market is the market of the nation Bubrah delicate creature . Watu hut in Gn.Merbabu is the gateway to the kingdom of Invisibility , "wrote the page .One posting stories on this site mention of demons market . The story of this anonymous informant said it had made the climb to Mount Merbabu a few years ago .Story posted 2 years ago it was said that a number of discrepancies that occur when climbing . He said before getting on top of the mountain they met with the bodies of unidentified man who suddenly disappeared .  When they reached the location of the market is also witnessing a vicious crowd that only occurs at night . Natural conditions change then. Claimed it is common for locals . The author closed it with a story about the silence of the people who will curse Merbabu if this story .  If you see the story sequence , would be difficult to believe. Many myths that developed mystical difficult confirmed . Most sound strange . Page tried to drown out this story by calling naming Satan market for marker alone .

Whether what is right , a story full of mystery always surrounds Merbabu fact . Just as the " twin brother " of Mount Merapi, which is spoken as a supernatural power base .  According to , Merbabu is type B volcano erupted hundreds of years ago . Merbabu is the type Strato volcano or volcanic region located in Magelang and Boyolali .Merbabu known through the texts of the pre - Islamic as Damalung Mount or Mount Pamrihan . On the slopes there are never known and never visited the Hermitage by Manik Bujangga the 15th century . Etymologically , " merbabu " is derived from the combination of the words " Meru " ( mountain ) and " gray " ( gray ) .  The new name appears in the records of the Netherlands . The mountain erupted in 1560 and 1797. Was also reported on tahun1570 had erupted , but has not made ​​a confirmation and further research . Merbabu mountain peak at an altitude of 3,145 meters above sea level .


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