September 3, 2014


Defined as the park attractions based on the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture. 423/Kpts/Um/7 / 1979 dated 5-7-1979 with an area of 1250 Ha According to government administration including District Cimalaka, Paseh, Conggeang, Buahdua and Tanjungkerta Sumedang District Tampomas Mountain is a mountain located in Area District intact Sumedang
Tofografi TWA region is mountainous with altitudes between 625-1684 masl According to Schmidt and Ferguson's classification of climate, including climate type B with an average annual rainfall is 3518 mm
Vegetation of this region including the type of mountain rain forest flora consists of a wide variety of woody trees and the types of classes liana and epiphyte Flora who dominate this region is Jamuju (Podocaipus imbricatus), Rasamala (Altingia excelsa) and Saninten (Castanea argentea) Several years ago the mountain was looted by the search Tampomas Bonsai plants. no half-hearted they are taking the truck every night Rich Mountain by the Bonsai, and in history without planted Thankful that in the northern part of the mountain that is in the area between Conggeang and Buahdua still preserved While in the south have been damaged by the excavation of sand.  Wild animals that live in this region is the hare (Tragullus javanicus), Forest Pig (Sus vitatus) Langur (Trachypfthecus auratus)
Also Java Tiger, tiger beetles, tiger Tutul, and mew Congkok Javan rhino is also thought to have lived in the mountain region Tampomas Cuman dear Now the beast - the beast, just stories from parents - parents first and several protected bird species such as Java Eagle (Spizaetus bartelsi)
Tourist attraction which attracts in the region of Mount Tampomas the summit of Mount Tampomas (Sangiang Taraje) with a height of ± 1684 masl and the top is an open area of ± 1 Ha This location has a high aesthetic value because of these places tourists can enjoy beautiful natural scenery to the Soil and its surroundings the crater holes and large rocks stained black to add richness to the beholder's imagination
In puncang there Tampomas Mount Cemetery Keramat is located ± 300 m towards the north peak Sangiang Taraje this place is better known by the name Pasarean and the moon - this place is crowded particular month visited the pejiarah from surrounding areas Sumedang
TWA Mount Tampomas currently managed by KPH Perhutanioffice Sumedang and number of facilities and infrastructure are still very minimal, there are currently only guardhouse, paths and postal ticket
Routes of travel to get to the location of Mountain Nature Park Tampomas: Bandung - Soil - Cibeureum Wetan - Cimalaka, as far as ± 53 km Cirebon - Duchy - Cibeureum Wetan ± 74 km From Cibeureum Wetan - Cimalaka to the location (entrance area) ± 6 km gravel road conditions


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