September 1, 2014


Mt.Arjuno with elevations of 3,339 masl located in Malang, East Java. In this mountain many found relics of the former Kingdom of Majapahit in addition to a variety of attractions such as the location of the waterfallHowever, it is said to climb Mt.Arjuno it should be - careful, because according to local stories, many climbers are lost and can not go home again. And here are 5 mystery Mt.Arjuno.
In Mt.Arjuno there are many sites - heritage sites and Singasari Majapahit Empire. Some of these relics, namely, relics Antaboga grandparent, grandparent Abiyasa, Ayang Sekutrem, Sakri grandparent, grandparent Semar, grandparent Sepilar Sri Makutharama and heritageHowever according to the myths circulating, the relics guarded by Bambang Wisanggeni who is the son of Arjuna with Bathari Dresanala. The relics of the ancients used to perform austeritiesPeople believe, people who perform these austerities disappeared (disappeared with his body). People - muksa people are believed to still be in place and keep the premises until an unknown time.

Before reaching the summit of Mount Arjuno, there is a place called by the community as Lali Jiwo Alas means forest or forget themselves. According to local belief, people with malicious intent, if passing through the area will get lost and forget themselves.
According to the spiritual, the area was inhabited by the jinn. The climbers sometimes hear the sound of the orchestra and then disappeared. It is said that the climber was taken to be mated with the jinn of the areaAccording to myth, the climbers also must not violate some restrictions, such as climbers should not be an odd number, should not be wearing red (dominant red color), and do not damage the site - the site is scattered relics of the Majapahit Kingdom in the area of the ascent of Mount Arjuna.

It is said that Arjuna had done in a mountain hermitage fervently semala months - months. Then remove the light body and has tremendous power, to create a chaotic heaven.  Condrodimuko crater spewing lava, earth shaking, thunder boomed during the day, rain fell and caused a flood, and the mountain of Arjuna asceticism raised to the sky. The gods are concerned, then take action to stop the retreat of Arjuna.
Batara Ismaya then lowered to Earth transformed into Semar. With his power, cut off the top of the mountain where Semar Arjuna meditated and threw it to another place. Arjuna then awakened from his hermitage and receives advice from Semar not to retreat again. Then the hermitage called Mount Arjuna, and the cut was given the name of Mount Wukir.

On the ascent to the summit region Mt.Arjuno, believed there Dieng market or so-called ghost market. In the area of Dieng market there is the tomb of the climbers who never died on the spot. Its area is flat and broad is the area that would make a market.
That said, there are climbers who never open the hood in the area of ​​Dieng market for overnight prior to the summit. At night, he was surprised by the bustling atmosphere outside the tent, and he saw a very crowded market.
The climber is rumored around the market and bought a jacket. Then he returned to the tent, and when he wakes up tomorrow morning; the area around his tent deserted no one else and no trace - the former market. Bought the jacket is still there, but his change is given by the market traders turn into leaves.

The mythical story of Mount Arjuna is often heard and has become the talk of the local community, such as the existence of chant music wedding greeter. The climbers or sulfur miners sometimes hear wedding greeter, the Javanese gamelan sound for weddings.
According to the people, when they hear the wedding greeter then it is better not to continue the climb to the summit of Mount Arjuna; because if it is forced to continue climbing the climber will usually get lost and disappear. 



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