September 4, 2014


Mount Telomoyo is a strato -volcano in Central Java, Indonesia. The volcano was constructed over the southern flank of the eroded Pleistocene-age Soropati volcano, which has a height of 1,300 metres (4,300 ft)[2]. The Soropati volcano collapsed during the Pleistocene, leaving a U-shaped depression. Mount Telomoyo grows on the southern side of the depression, reaching over 600 metres (2,000 ft) above the depression's rim.
This small mountain lies near Salatiga, to the north of the huge Merbabu mountain. It is very easy to ‘climb’ because there is a road to the communications towers at the summit. Apparently it is very popular with paragliders. Entry is via Dalangan village, which lies to the south of the mountain, and you can actually drive all the way to the very top. In clear weather the views of the higher mountains of Central Java are fabulous, although the summit itself is a jungle of radio masts and antennae!
From Dalangan village (approximately 1,300m), there is a rusty Telomoyo sign which points the way to metal gates at the base of the mountain. It costs a very reasonable Rp5,000 for entry (per vehicle) and the gates are open from 8am until 5pm daily. The road is very bumpy in places but a regular car should be able to manage it. The only problem would be if you meet another car coming in the opposite direction as there aren’t many places to pull over to one side! You could always get an ojek (motorcycle taxi) from the village – lots of teenagers ride up the mountain at weekends. Alternatively you could even walk up the road – although it is several kilometres long it is very pleasant and there is even a mini waterfall. It would take less than 2 hours on foot, perhaps 3 hours to climb and descend again.
The view from the road itself is spectacular – Merbabu, Gunung Andong (the small pyramid mountain across the valley), Sumbing and Sindoro. Indeed, the view is better from the road than from the actual summit itself which is covered in transmitters. At the top, you may need to ask one of the workers in the mast compound to open the gates so you can turn your vehicle around more easily. It takes about 30 minutes each way by motorbike or car from the entrance gates.


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